Thursday, 3 March 2011

Current film classification system


  • People at must risk such as children are protected
  • The information is clear to parents and so they can rate the films and choose what their children watch
  • Local councils are responsible for screened films and can over rule a BBFC decision
  • Guidelines are up to date and so can be changed to match current society
  • Assuming people are the same and puts them under set categories
  • Regulations are not enforced fully especially at cinemas
  • Information needs to be more on offer for people to know about
  • Unable to prove whether something will be harmful
  • Borderline classifcations are then judged by matter of opinion
Do you think the way films are regulated is sensible, useful to society and achieves its aim of protecting the vulnerable and upholding the law?

I think the regulations are sensible and definately useful to society. Even though there is some doubt over whether they should be set out by age, this seems the most approachable and understandable method to use in order for people to understand what they can/cant watch. The guidlines are especially useful to parents as they are able to protect their children from watching films that are not suitable. However, the vulnerable aren't entirely protected as it is very easy to watch a film at a higher age rating than what is suitable for you and therefore i don't think the regulations are entirely achieving its aim fully.

Is there anything you think could be done to improve the system? 

The only improvement i would suggest to the system is more awareness of it. the BBFC website contains very useful information and goes into more detail than just plain guidelines. I think parents would benefit from knowing that the information is out there for them to see.