- The introduction of AA was finally approved be the industry and local authorities
- Principal changes to the cateogry system were raising the minimum age for X certificate films from 16 to 18
- The old A category was split to create a new A which permitted the admission of children five years and over whether accompanied or not
- The new AA certificate was for children over 14
- This would protect adolscents from material of a specifically adult nature and would permit more adult films to be passed uncut for an older, mature audience
- Recognised the earlier maturity of many teenagers by giving them access to certain films ar the age of 14, without being accompanied by an adult
- Indicated to parents the difference between films wholly suitable for children of all ages, which would be classified U, and those which whilst not generally unisuitable may contain some material parents would prefer their children not to see
- Violence and terrorisation in the fim largely directed towards women was unacceptable.
- This lead to the unclassification of the film
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